Class Friday

Logorama Crest due for class on Friday.

Must be in color on 8.5x11. Must contain 15 ELEMENTS (not the full logo) of the logos that you shot around town to form a crest. The crest must be 5x5 in dimension. Centered on the page. The text box with the identification of the logos numbered must be 1/2 inch down from the crest. The left side of the text box must align with the 5.5 inch mark. The text will be in Myraid Pro and set at 10 pts.

For Wednesday

Make sure that you have all your files of your photos swapped and choose 15 to make your crest. These will be due on Friday in full color print off on 8.5x11. I'll give you more details on the format on Wednesday. See you then!

Monday, Feb. 22

Hey guys,

Forgot to tell you before you all headed out for the weekend. Please bring a camera of some kind of class on Monday.

FRIDAY CRITIQUE DAY Friday is critique for the Rebus Project. Make sure that you have everything printed out and behind glass, you are wearing critique appropriate dress, design summary turned in / e-mailed before three and that you've got all your ducks in a row. Don't forget to have your sketchbook caught up / printed and glued in!

See you then!

Monday, Feb. 15th

PROJECT 1 / DUE ON THE 19th of Feb. - Friday

-Must have a 500 word summary submitted digitally before 8 am
-Project must be matted under glass
-11x17 printed in B&W
-Text must contain 10 different rebus structures
-Text must be in the center of the page / equal margin / manuscript (one column) grid
-Sketchbook must be ready to turn in at the beginning of critique
-In Baskerville typeface

Make three branded icons - done in illustrator. Consider a consistent style and color choices. These effect the view of the brand. How can we change the meaning and tone of these signs to fit better within the brand as a whole. Perhaps, it's look, color or even a tag line. These will eventually need to be printed out and pasted in your sketchbook but for Monday have them in pdf format for class to view.

FRIDAY, Feb. 12

Have a set of three (as many as five if needed) icons for your home town. Consider color and style. Have them in a pdf format to view. NO WORDS! See you Friday.


Here is that list of events from the art department. Remember 75% attendance...counted toward final grade.

Tuesday, February 16, 3:05 p.m.
Lee Benson’s department-wide lecture
D-3 (This is during the regular art history hour but NOT the regular art history room)

Monday-Tuesday, March 1-2
Matt Long Two-Day Ceramics Workshop
9 a.m. – 4 p.m. each day with break for lunch

Thursday, March 11, 5:30 p.m.
Reception/gallery lecture: Lee Benson faculty exhibit
Art gallery

Monday, March 15, 5:30 p.m.
Reception/gallery lecture: Cynthia Greene exhibit
Art gallery

Monday, March 22, 8:00 a.m.
Deadline for student show submissions. Forms will be in
Angela’s door box in about a week. Only two submissions per
person this year.

Wednesday, March 25
10 am James Romaine speaks in chapel
3:05 p.m. James Romaine addresses the art dept., D-3

Monday, April 5, 12:00 noon
Deadline for art scholarship applications. Form will be in
Angela’s door box in about a week.

(Note: James Romaine, art historian, is also making himself available to give a few one-on-one critiques. The sign-up sheet and times are on the wall outside Mrs. Angela’s office. First come, first serve!)

Thursday, April 22, 5:30
Student Show Reception/Awards/Scholarship Presentations

Tuesday, April 27, 5:30 p.m.
Reception/gallery lecture: McDaniel Family exhibit
Art gallery


Hey no class today. Keep working on your maps. Make sure that you bring them to class in pdf format and revise your film still signage for Wednesday. See you then. Enjoy the snow!


Okay guys...make sure that you print off a copy of your map and your revised signage for your sketchbook. For Monday, please have your map of your routes traveled during a full day. Have this drawn and in pdf format to show on screen for class. You may use color. Think about simplification and how this might be accomplished.


FRIDAY CLASS - Make sure that you have your ONE sign from the narrator project ready to go in the morning. Must have a pdf file format to show. Should eventually be printed off and included in your sketchbook.