Tuesday, CRITIQUE #1 - update:)


You will not need to dress up we will be looking and talking over all your logos in class. Nothing behind glass this critique. Just have them ready to go. You will need to talk about each one so concentrate on your blurb that you wrote. About that much time devoted to each one in explanation.

5 logos (picture and word) - five different businesses
5 logotypes (picture embedded into type or type alone) - five different businesses
These need to be printed out on white paper (8.5x11). Centered. PORTRAIT FORMAT. Please use the template that you created for the uber logo project and center these in the same square 5x5 inch square centered in the page that you used for that. PLEASE DELETE THE SQUARE JUST LIKE THE UBER LOGO...THIS IS FOR REFERENCE ONLY AND SHOULD NOT APPEAR ON FINAL. This way all them will look uniform when we put them up in class. No text or name on the front just the logo. Use color if have it designed in color.

TURN IN JOB FOLDER AND ORDER / please use two job folders for this project since yours are bursting at the seems
Left hand side / 450 thumbnails / please number pages
Right hand side / 3 pages of research for each company (30 pages total) please number - this goes on bottom
Visual Briefs for each company (10 total - please label with business name) - this is second
Blurbs in Paragraph form / if these changed from research to final logo please change your blurb out to match your new business - this is on top on the right hand side

Left hand side / 20 roughs for 10 businesses (2 logos and or logotypes for each business) Please number
On top of the first round of roughs goes the second round of roughs / 10 roughs for 10 businesses / please number
Right hand side / FINALS in the format described above

Points will be taken off for bad job folder ordering and or not having everything needed.

NOTE ON AIGA PIZZA PARTY ORIGINALLY ON THE SCHEDULE FOR TOMORROW WILL BE MOVED TO NEXT WEEK TUESDAY, MARCH 6th. Due to Be Our Guest conflicts. Be ready for good pizza and games on the night of March 6th at 5:30.


Thursday, Feb. 24 and AIGA meeting TONIGHT!

You must have five logos (five different businesses) and five logotypes (five different businesses) - 10 sheets (10 businesses total), one logo a sheet, printed, portrait, color or no color (up to you) in your job folder for Thursday. These must all be reworked from the logo that you started with on Tuesday. Don't forget that you entire job folder needs to be caught up for Thursday as well. AIGA meeting is tonight (Tuesday) at 5 pm in the DMS lab. If you are interested in internships / resumes. Please bring information or current resume that you have to rework. We will look these over tonight and give you plenty of tips.

Tuesday, Feb. 21st

Please have two logos (these can be logotypes or logos) for each business printed out for your job folder for Tuesday. Twenty total. You must have all your job folders caught up to this point. They will be checked over on Tuesday. Also don't forget to sign up for DISH conference this weekend. The last day to register with the discounted rate is the 19th. http://dishconference.com/register/

Don't forget to bring your resume / portfolio to AIGA's meeting on Tuesday the 21st. We will be talking about internships and how to get them!

Thumbnails for Thursday

Hey guys,

Here is the list...
You need to do 20 logotypes / 25 logos (image and type) per business. These are 5 thumbnail pages per business. This is due Thursday. Please have nine thumbnails per page / printed off. There should be paper in the lab. Don't print on the color if you have the choice between the 5000 and color printer at the moment. Thumbnails should be just cheap little run offs.

Again...for logotypes...use dafont.com to help out with ideas for fonts. Only free fonts...choose this under the options menu.
For logo ideas and inspiration check these blogs out...Each logo should take a max of a 30 seconds to make a thumbnail sketch on if you are spending longer...spending to long. Remember these are for idea generation. The time is when we move to the computer.

Thursday - please have thumbnails ready to go for we will have a workday in class.


Hi guys,

Here is the list of things that you need to have printed out for your job folder for Tuesday.

1. Select 10 business / logos (these can be people you know or people you don't - if you don't know them...more research!)

2. You need to have at least three pages of research on each company (more if good:) If you can't find information about them...look at products (30 printed BW pages minimum)

3. You need to have one page (8.5x11) printed for each company of images that are associated with the company / this is basically idea sketching about where you want to the brand to head EX. If I was doing visual research for South Home Air Conditioning & Heating. I would pull in pictures of product / homes / kids playing / retro air conditioning logos / system maps / wind maps / thermometers / penguins / season icons / snowmen. You will need these printed out in color and 10 pages minimum.

4. You need to have one paragraph per business written or where you plan to take the logo design. These need to be in GillSans 10 pt for the body copy and bold for the name of the business.

*Again, remember that you are not going to be showing these to clients just yet. You will have to be ready to pitch the direction to me. We are trying to teach you about good logo design at the moment...the pitch to an actual client will come later. Also keep in mind some of the harder logos to create original design for - churches / flower shops / photography businesses. If you are going for one of these businesses consider yourself forewarned.

Thursday and AIGA meeting!

You need to have you uber logo ready to go in class. This needs to be printed out in color for Thursday. Make sure that your formatting matches what we did in class.


Also...here is the detailed information of flag colors. My third grade teacher was off...:( This is to set the record straight.



Tuesday - Make sure that you have your signs TWO from the narrator project ready to go in the morning. These are three photographs from a movie or tv show of your choice. Your signage must be made in illustrator and embedded into the photo. The signage must look real and somehow give the character a clue of what is coming next. Please have a pdf file format to show for class on Tuesday.

Also don't forget...AIGA MEETING ON TUESDAY, FEB 7TH / DMS LAB / will assign jobs / talk about dish conference coming up. Don't miss it!!! 5:00 pm!!!